
Please review the frequently asked questions prior to contacting the Graphics Program 有问题的.


为什么我应该选择图形专业 & 交互设计? With the increase growth in technology there is a higher demand for graphic, interactive, 网页设计师. 选择图形专业的学生 & 交互设计愿望 career satisfaction and possess qualities including creativity, capable of solving problems, good communication skills, ability to meet deadlines and manage projects, 并且愿意努力工作. 那些已经决定主修图形的学生 & 交互设计 are often artistic and have experience with computers.

什么类型的工作,我将能够工作,一旦毕业与图形 & 互动 Designdegree? Graduates work in positions such as web designers, graphic designers, graphic artists, web production designers, layout designers, user interaction designer, user experience designer, interaction designer, publication designers, production artists, and digital 媒体设计师.

毕业后期望的薪水是多少? 一个图形的估计工资范围 & 交互设计专业是25000美元到 $40,000 /年. 考虑到我们的项目仅花费大约,这真是太棒了 $9,100(包括书籍/用品).

除了课堂,我还有什么方法可以学习呢? 学生 are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity they have to go beyond the classroom and join organizations such as Visual Voices of Valencia, The Creatologists, the Orlando Chapter of AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), Ad2 (an advertising group for young professionals) and OAF (Orlando Advertising Federation). 在 the year all organizations hold seminars, workshops, and guest speakers which would 适用于主修平面、互动或网页设计的学生. 此外,由 joining these organizations students have the opportunity to network with other individual's 在平面设计行业.

I registered for a 3 credit hour course; why is the class nearly 4 hours long? 通常有一个小时的实验时间计入大部分课堂时间. 在这 time instructors are available to answer questions and provide assistance to students. 学生 may also be given this additional time to work on course projects.

I want to make sure I go to the lab when the lab is open, is there any way I can find 实验室开门的时候出去? 我们保留东,西和奥西奥拉 在我们的网站/博客上公布的实验时间.


Why can't I take a class such as Electronic Imaging or Adobe Illustrator before taking 平面设计要点? 平面设计要点 is required prior to taking most other Graphics courses so it is highly recommended that students enroll in this course early in the program. This course will overview software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. 一个重点 will also be placed on the use of typography, design, layout, color, pre-press production. Prior to completion of 平面设计要点 students will undergo a timed, hands-on 能力考试. 平面设计要点提供了一个基本的理解 programs such as photoshop and illustrator and therefore it is a prerequisite for 类,如电子成像和Adobe Illustrator.

What if I wish to take a class but I haven't taken the prerequisite course required 对于课程来说? It is highly recommended that students enroll in prerequisite courses prior to ensure 他们接受了充分的教育,并为每门课程做好了准备. 在某些特殊情况下, such as a student transfering from another school, students are able to take a course 没有前提课程. 学生想上一门课程,但没有上 a prerequisite course must demonstrate sufficient experience to take the course which 需要先决条件. 那些觉得自己可以不需要英语就能上一门课的学生 prior completion of a prerequisite course may request an override which will be approved or disapproved by the program director based on the students competency for the required course demonstrated in their portfolio, by way of taking a 能力考试 and/or 通过从另一个大学级别的机构转学分的方式.


什么是覆盖? An override may grant a student permission to take a course if they have not taken the required prerequisite course or if the course is filled at the time of registration. The program director is responsible for approving and disapproving overrides.

如何决定谁获得撤销权? 学生 closest to completing 他们的学位 are given higher priority when override 做出决定. 因未完成先决条件而要求撤销的学生 courses should demonstrate competency to take the course requiring an override via a portfolio review and proof of college-level instruction from another institution.

什么时候做出重写决定? 覆盖s 做出决定 after the payment deadline purge date prior to the beginning 每学期的.

我想上的那门课西校区满了,东校区没有. 我可以要求吗? 撤销在西校区上课的申请? No overrides requests will be accepted for courses if the same course is not full 在另一个校园.


什么时候是投资组合的最佳时机? 投资组合 Review is to be scheduled during your graduating semester and you should 除了实习以外,那学期不上其他课.

在作品集复习课上我应该期待些什么? Although the course is only one credit hour, this is undoubtedly one of the most 要求高和耗时的课程图形 & 交互设计学生面临的问题 他们的学位. 在这 course students prepare their past projects for their portfolio 并且经常返工过去的项目. 此外,学生将设计一个身份/标志 for themselves as well as a business card, letterhead, and self-promotional piece. 学生们还将完善他们的简历. 所有这些辛苦的工作都反映在 他们的投资组合与业内专业人士审查. 学生应该期待 to also take a timed 能力考试 during the course, where they must score a minimum 70%

What is the 能力考试 and why do I have to take it to complete the portfolio 复习课程? The 能力考试 is a timed examination where student will be evaluated for their ability to design and use necessary software to produce a printed publication or a 网站提供的文件. 能力考试衡量学生的能力 and reflects the knowledge and experience they have gained in the program. 在完成 the 能力考试 students should feel confident that they are capable of working 处于初级职位,如图形、交互或网页设计师.


什么时候是参加实习课程的最佳时间? The best time to take the internship course is during your last semester while you 正在进行投资组合审查.

我需要做些什么才能注册实习课程? 得到最好的想法 如何注册实习,期望什么 from the interning experience, students are required to view this orientation prior 到被注册.